Route distance, upfront fee, pick-up compensation & reject button for bundle tasks!
Important update: A lot of exciting updates happening to your Partner App and your earnings model
Introducing estimated route distance, pick-up compensation & reject button for bundle tasks!
As shared earlier, we are updating the Courier Partner App as well as the way earnings per task and distances are calculated. The purpose of this is to make the fees per task better matched with the effort needed. Ultimately, we want to make all tasks equally worth accepting.
This means that as of February 21st, distance fees will be based on estimated route distance instead of straight line distance
Which other updates are being introduced?
All distance fees will be based on the estimated route distance of each task. The estimates are calculated automatically in our system based on OpenStreetMaps.
(read more further down)
We will introduce a pick-up distance fee, meaning that you will be paid for the distance you travel between where you are when you accept the task and the pick-up location.
Because we are introducing payment for pick-ups, and as estimated route distances are longer than straight-line distance averages, the distance fee per kilometer will be adjusted.
We're also introducing a reject button for all tasks - including bundles, so you can reject all tasks without contacting support or waiting for them to disappear.
Finally, we are introducing a simplified payout page summarizing your completed tasks in a more compact and clean view. You will be able to see the total “task fee” that includes the base, total distance (pickup + drop-off distances) and capability fees.
How will the route distance affect me?
You can expect that task fees will:
1) better reflect the distance you actually drive compared to the previous model
2) better match the effort needed to complete the given task.
And if you want to reject a task it will be much easier - also in bundle mode.
With this update, some tasks (e.g. those that go across bridges or around wooded areas and parks) will have higher fees because the longer routes will be reflected in the task fees.
Note: You might see differences from the distances you actually drive e.g. if you use another navigation solution. But in any case, whenever you will be offered a new task, you will now be able to see the total estimated route distance (pickup + drop-off distances) and the associated fee. In other words, you will know the details before deciding whether to accept the task
Example of a single task delivery:
Other tasks (e.g. some bundled tasks) might be paid less than they are today. Bundles will be paid based on the consecutive estimated distance traveled between the pickup and delivery locations (see example below). We weren’t able to accurately estimate bundle distances before, but as we move to estimated route distance, we are now able to be more accurate.
Example of a bundle task delivery:
As always, we welcome any and all questions, comments, and feedback. Please send comments to at any time. We hope that you are as excited about the changes as we are.
Best regards,
Wolt operations team 💙